Monday, March 23, 2009

A Great Finale...

To those of you who don't know...I'm a HUGE Battlestar Galactica fan. Not the 70's TV series, but the Sci-Fi Channel's highly acclaimed series which began 4 years ago and ended rather climactically Friday night in a 2 hour deal. Now for those of you who say "Good Lord how can you watch a show so religiously?" Mom and Dad can't complain because every time I call them they are always..."Can I call you back...24 is on right now."

Talk about loose ends being tied up rather nicely. For those of you who either followed the show or somewhat followed know how the humans were fleeing the Cylon rebellion against their human creators (or so you thought). So they sought out the mythical "Earth" or "Kobol" where the 13th tribe apparently fled to many centuries ago. Not only did they find "Earth" but they found it utterly desolate and devastated by nuclear war...obviously the Cylon problem was bigger than they thought. But along the way...a Cylon/human hybrid and a human fell in love and had a child...who became the saviour of the human race. In the finale, Galactica arrives at the predestined coordinates that Starbuck has been dreaming all throughout the series...and it is our Earth...150,000 years ago.

There are theories out there which basically hypothesize that the human race may have been visited many millenia ago by intelligent life, which jump started our evolution. And this ending played that idea to the hilt. It's not Biblical in any sense of the imagination...but there was an underlying theme that there is a Higher Power out there guiding us along the way. Of course, the final scene showing the Cylon #6 and Gaius Baltar in modern day times threw that theme all to heck...when #6 (also known as the blonde chick) remarked..
"Decadence, chaos...remind you of anything such as Earth..the real Earth before this one...Kobol...and Caprica before the fall? Maybe this time it will be different...perhaps God's ways are different every time."

To which Baltar replies..."You know IT doesn't like being called that." Cue suspenseful orchestral music...fade to black...

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