Friday, April 17, 2009


My baby's now in softball at the age of 5. I'm fully vested in this deal as well since I've been signed as an "assistant coach." I deal with unruly and potentially dangerous inmates on a daily basis...but get me in group of 5 year old girls and try to teach them about softball just makes me want to curl up in the fetal position, suck my thumb and cry. No kidding.

I guess the big key is PATIENCE...of which I inherited none. Seriously. Nothing frustrates me more than showing the kids how to hold their glove and catch the ball...toss the ball and then..."OW...that man hit me...WAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Then I'm like..."Oh sorry...I told her to catch it." As if a kid is going to listen. Then Sierra gets mad because I'm throwing ball to the other girls...she huffs up and throws her glove down and emphatically states "I don't wanna won't play with me." That's when I had call time-out and sorta have one on one time with her. Of course she really hated me after that because I started throwing too she's already on Team USA. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Hah.

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