Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dog Days Part Deux

Well, I managed to get Shadow back from the vet's office today. I told them to keep her overnight because I had to work evenings and Rosie really wasn't too keen on wrestling the dog and the kids at the same time. Not to mention I did get a call from the vet earlier that afternoon stating that "Everything's fine...Shadow's were some complications. Nothing major..just had an extra artery in her fallopian tubes which led to some bleeding. But she's fine..." Well, I panicked naturally. As it turned out, there was some major bleeding but they were able to cauterize it without any problems.
Now, the trip home......
All I can say is that Shadow didn't act like she'd had major surgery. In fact she was standing up on the toolbox in my truck watching the semis go flying by and drooling lots of slobber all over the sides of my truck. When we got home...she wanted to play but I had to sort of calm her down and walk slowly up and down the block until she was ready to go into her backyard and settle down.
Shadow's doing fine...sore...eating fine...doing doggy business fine. Let's just hope I don't wake up and find her up to her normal shenanigans...i.e. chewing my water hoses up.

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