Monday, August 18, 2008

Proud Uncle

Boy...let the title speak for itself. As most of the readers know, Josh and Lauren were expecting Joshua Clayton to be born sometime towards the end of August and first of September. However, Joshua Clayton decided that he'd had enough of the fanfare and decided to brighten up this world by arriving early. I was at work and left my cell phone in the truck to charge up...I can't bring it inside the facility of course but exceptions have been made...when Rosie called about 4:30 saying that Dad's been trying to call me...Josh and Lauren are at the hospital. The baby's coming!!!
Then finally after pacing the floor of my control room and answering the phones in a rush...hoping that it's news from Rosie or Dad..only to be disappointed that it was in reference to an inmate, or someone wishing to talk to one of our food service personnel..I finally heard my cell phone ring that strident tone that announces that the phone lines are indeed operational and the bill's been paid (It's a cool tone by the way...ever watch the movie "Crank?" It's that ringtone which sounds like the batteries are dying as it rings.) All Dad said was "He's here."
A good buddy of mine was with me in control and we high-fived...shook hands...passed congratulations name was changed to "Uncle" and I've been giddy ever since.
Now...Joshua Clayton...let me introduce myself. I'm the BIG uncle, your dad's BIG brother, and you don't have to call me Uncle John, definitely not U.J., just call me "Big John."
Proud to have you aboard're in for a great ride.
Just don't listen to your mom and dad when they say Mississippi State is the best...and please for the love of all that's good and holy DON'T EVER THINK ABOUT OLE MISS...just follow the advice of your loving uncle Will and Big John...GO TENNESSEE - GO BIG ORANGE!!
Go get 'em Cowboy.

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